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Thursday, 27 October 2011

Saving Mokka

You landed in Cassia, the water planet. You are stuck with nowhere to go. Use Lassi wind magic and the ice will stack together to form a bridge. Walk all the way east to the next map. 



Continue east and you will notice that there are frog, pot and treasure chest in this map but you cannot do anything with them since they are frozen solid. Continue east to the next map.


Lassi noticed and recognized the rocket as one of those from academy. You can train in this map and heal using the healing machine device from the rocket. (Not that the experience is good) Anyhow, go east to another map. 




The following map has lot of Radish. You can either choose to talk to all of them to learn more regarding the game concept or just ignore them. Follow the path and you will find Mokka lying on the ground HEADLESS! I guess its up to us to find his head. 


Go north to enter the town. Talk to everyone here. (I’m not sure whether you need to talk to everyone or just certain someone) 


You can talk to Gene, the storyteller, to know more on certain stuff. Talk to certain people and you will be able to unlock the stories available.
  1. Courtney (near the town entrance) – unlock The Fire Otter
  2. Keith (left map of the town) – unlock Nata de Coco
  3. Malcom (middle house on the left) – unlock The Dragon God
  4. Oyster (house in the right map of town) – unlock Dwarves 

Anyhow, after talking to everyone (including those on the left and right side map of the town), return to the town. Mick will run back to the house which was locked. Follow him.


(Believe it or not, he is using Mokka’s head as a battery!) Talk to him and he will push you off. Tap in the furnace this time. He will panic and somehow break down. But he won’t let you have it or nothing in return. After all, if he give it to you, he will be cold to death. 



You have no choice but to help him find his toolbar key. As he is talking, a dog (or so Lassi says) took something from the cupboard. (Guess we know who is the criminal now!) Follow the dog! 


Exit the house and you will see the dog ran out from a house. (Must have stolen something again.. Bad dog!) Go north. 



If you talk to Caldarroste, you will know that the hermit lab has a ice monster under his control.  (Wow! Not bad for little dog!) Anyhow, continue the path. Going east will lead to a map with radish and Pizza. Further down will be another map which you cannot proceed for now. Thus, head west to the next map as it is where the hermit lab went.


You will see a menacing creature. (Could that be the ice monster?) Ready for battle or not! Lassi will try to kick the monster but there’s no effect. When you take control of you character, use Lassi’s wind magic and Ta-Dah~ The menacing creature is actually just a tree. Tap on the hermit lab to engage in battle with it. 


 Hermit Lab:

Don’t panic because of my low Hp. It’s not from the battle with hermit lab. It’s just that I forgot to heal my Hp before I engage in battle with it! Hermit Lab is not that tough to beat. Just keep using your spell and he will die soon. However, keep your eye on your HP as his physical attack can deal 47+ damage. Hermit Lab can also use Cover which increase his defense power. Use this chance to heal and if you want to attack just use physical attack and don’t waste your MP.


After the battle, the hermit lab will leave three board sign and a treasure chest. If you read it, the hermit lab apologize for his action and promise not to do it again. Then, open the treasure chest to obtain ‘Toolbox Key’ and ‘Stolen Goods’. With the toolbox key in hand, lets go back to town. 



Talk to Mick and he will give you ‘Battery Pack’ or in other word ‘Mokka’s Head’ for the toolboy key. You wil also give him the stolen goods. And now, time to revive Mokka.


Tap on Mokka’s body. Choose Yes and the head will be attached to the body. A long scene will occur. After the scene, Mokka will join the party. Now, go back to town to find the dwarves and ask them fix the rocket for us. 

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